Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy Nail!

Archaeologists working at a site believed to be a base for the order of the Knights Templar have found something interesting. They dug up three skeletons, three swords, and an ornate box. One of the swords bore a Templar symbol. The box, when opened, contained one thing; a nail. They have since dated that nail to the first or second century AD. The implication is clear. This must be one of the great relics of Christendom, one of the Holy Nails with which Jesus was crucified. It can now take its rightful place among the other thirty or so Holy Nails known to exist.

Wonderful things these Holy Nails. They can protect people and horses. They have been known to calm angry seas. But with only thirty of the original four available, you probably think that you can't have one. But wait! Now you too can have a Holy Nail of your very own. Perform miracles! Make your home a destination for pilgrims! A thousand uses! Order yours now, operators are standing by.


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DM said...

$14.95 - $weet!