Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Glenn's Book of Quotes Number Thirty-Seven

"God will not make himself manifest to cowards" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
That one is a good reminder for me.  After all, this guy is my spirit animal.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Winter Wonderland

How much am I loving this winter season? Oh so much. Did I love the coldest January in a century? Who wouldn't? Did I just love the long stretches of sub-freezing temperatures? Of course I did. And the snow, am I loving all the snow? Well, until today I wasn't so sure, but now I know, I love the snow. When the snow on my neighbor's rooftop let go all at once and crashed down on my head like a giant white hammer, all doubt was gone. I love the snow.

Sanity was a small price to pay.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Random Photo From Campus

Here's Dr. Tulip A. Cat, professor of applied chaos, discussing advanced mayhem theory with students in her office. Not long after this she demonstrated napkin tearing techniques and furniture assaulting.